OT Tips Pre Lifting Checklist

Tips from Enable Lifecares's OT Miki Rossanis


We know that Passive Lifters can be a game changer when it comes to safe patient handling in order to keep ourselves and our clients safe. In fact, research as part of the Work Safe 2015 guidelines demonstrate the correlation between interventions to improve manual handling of staff to improved patient outcomes. A win for everyone!

So, what are some of the considerations we need to remember before completing any lifting or patient handling task:


#1 The Task

What is involved in the task, and does it require the movement or lifting of the person? We should be eliminating any client handling tasks where possible by using the appropriate equipment for the movement of a person.


#2 The Environment

Is there space for the required hoist?

Are there uneven/slippery/ carpeted floors?

What is the door width for getting equipment in and out of the environment?

What is the social environment, who will be completing the lifting daily and are they trained to do so safely?


#3 The Individual

What is the persons mobility FIM score and current transfer ability? Can they contribute in any way to the task (rolling, lifting their legs) to minimise manual lifting and moving throughout?

What is the persons height and weight? Make sure their weight does not exceed the capacity of the lifter or slings.

Do they have complex movement conditions seizures, spasms or spasticity?

Are there behavioural or cognitive considerations to make?


#4 The Equipment

ALWAYS check the hoist before use. The easy-to-follow smart monitor of the Oxford range helps to check the total lifts, any overloads & service intervals for patient and product safety. A service should be completed yearly, and this will be indicated on the smart monitor.

Check that the battery has been charged and is raring to go.

Ensure the correct sling is being used for the task, the persons abilities and needs, their weight and height and the hoist itself.

Check the safety of the sling before use, ensure there is no damage to the fabric of the loops or clips. A label should always be present and visible to see the correct size and most recent safety check of the sling.


#5 The Technique

Depending on the task at hand and the type of sling and hoist the technique will vary.

When moving from Lying to Sitting remember the S for short loops at the head.

When moving from Sitting to Lying remember the L for Long loops at the head.

Remember to have the brakes OFF when lifting someone up and down from the hoist as this helps the hoist to find its centre of gravity. When lifting from the ground however the brakes should be ON.


Any further comments or questions please get in touch! Happy Lifting